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AT&T reviews are listed in chronological order.
Number 55 : JUL 31st, 2013 : Estelle (IL)
Recommended: No
coustumer service is the worst! if you call to order cable, you get a person within 10 minutes at the longest. if you call to cancel your service, you will expect a 45minutes to an hour wait.. the calls and Harassment that follows after you cancel is horrible. You get an automated call and when you try to call back they don?t answer. You get an average of ten calls a day. They send the box to return the equipment to the wrong address three times. And up to now they still have the wrong address on file. I sent all the equipment back and now they claim they are missing stuff, omg. I had never had such a bad service in my life. Stay away from this crooks, no really stay far away from them. Six months after I moved and they are still looking for a box that I never got from them. I purchased the modem from Best Buy and they claim I got it from them.. What a bunch of characters these people are. I have another ticket for the internal investigation, I have to add to my collection of unresolved tickets..
Number 54 : JUL 22nd, 2013 : Reggie (CA)
Recommended: No
They forced me to go from DSL to Uverse DSL. Then kept selling DSL. Every time someone moves in or out of our apartments I'm guaranteed down time and even more time on the phone to tech support. I did figure out that as soon as my internet goes down to grab a baseball bat cause there is a tech lurking. Tech support is in another country and they patronize you to death. Demand to talk with Tear II technicians avoiding the first tech you get ahold of like you would a pile of dog poop. Avoid getting out any guns cause a baseball bat gets your point across.
Number 52 : JUL 10th, 2013 : Shelley (MO)
Recommended: No
Run, DON'T WALK as fast as you can away from anyone trying to sell you on Internet Only or Internet with Home Phone Service. Regardless of what amazing service AT&T Wireless provides, aT&T Internet is a hellacious journey only the completely stupid or someone who is lonely and wants constant phone calls to customer service and constant visits from service tech would want. After 3 months of complete hell on earth (and paying for two Internet lines I was unaware they had installed) I am free. To quote the great MLK... "FREE, FREE, FREE AT LAST"!!!!
Number 50 : JUN 7th, 2013 : Rick (GA)
Recommended: No
as AT&T is the only internet option in our area we have no choice but to use them if we want to even have high speed occasionally...we pay for 3megs, normal speed is around 1.2 but sometimes goes as low as .02 which is pretty useless..at&t service changes their tune with each call, its your filter, you need a new filter, you don't need a filter at all, you only need a phone filter, you do not need a phone filter, etc..often times just to get connected I have to unplug the modem and wait for it to reset, drops the connection on a regular basis sometimes it comes back quickly sometimes not till the next day...they send service guys out but they can't find any problems, might clear up and work for a couple of days, might stay at a crappy .02 to .78 speed for a bit, but definitely if there is any other reliable source would not recommend at&t...
Number 49 : MAY 2nd, 2013 : George (TN)
Recommended: No
I use my internet for mainly gaming and believe this internet connection is horrible. Its great when I have it though. I can't stay in a round longer than 7 minutes without loosing connection. AT&T is crazy thinking they can charge me as much as they are and they can't even provide me with a steady internet connection. Not only this but there are numerous steps I have to take, after turning on my PC, to just get the internet working in the first place. This is my 3rd time to go back to AT&T and every time they let me down big time. DO NOT GET
Number 48 : MAR 27th, 2013 : Jason (OK)
Recommended: No
Slow speeds, horrible customer service (seems like nobody speaks english well) Reliability is a 2 out of 10 at best. Always have connection problems every week or so. I will be canceling my service as soon as I have the funds to switch back to cox....
Number 47 : DEC 18th, 2012 : Ambrosio (TX)
Recommended: No
I decided to get AT&T U-verse because of their low prices. I now regret this. I have had AT&T U-Verse since December 5th. It is now December 18th and I cannot recall a period of three days in a row where I continuously had access to the internet. I regret ever making the call to use AT&T as an internet service provider. AT&T's customer service is fine. Its the countless hours spent on the phone or weekends I've spent having to stay home waiting for technicians to fix my connection problems on numerous occasions that angers me. AT&T's internet service is the worst I have ever experienced and I would go out of my way to discourage anyone close to me from using their services. Since signing up for U-verse, my roommates and I have had no choice but to go to the library every time we need internet access. I really dont know what I'm paying for. I am extremely dissatisfied with U-verse service but, I am also grateful that I realized how horrible of a provider AT&T is before almost letting my parents sign up for the same experience. I would not wish the amount of stress I have taken on as a result of using AT&T as my ISP on anyone. Don't let their low prices lure you into a contract!! It really isn't worth it.
Number 46 : NOV 11th, 2012 : Steve (CA)
Recommended: No
I had ATT DSL and regularly lost the Internet connection. I paid for DSL Elite and almost every evening the download speed dropped to less than 1MBps. Every time I called customer service they went through the same unplu and wait routine with most calls being in excess of 45 minutes with no success. Almost 1 year ago I switched to UVerse but alas, it drops off every evening. I am so very sick and tired of ATT and I wish I was able to get a different Internet connection service.
Disclaimer: The opinions, views and ratings expressed in these reviews are those solely of the reviewer who submitted the review. Whichvoip.com does not necessarily agree with any of the expressed opinions, view or ratings.
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