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AT&T reviews are listed in chronological order.
Number 15 : JAN 8th, 2011 : Tech support (CA)
Recommended: No
I had a good DSL service until recently. For some reason, my speed was 'capped' to 1.5M for 6M service. It took me almost a day to solve the problem. What make me lose good faith in ATT tech support was when I called about router not getting IP address via PPPoE. The guy, James, was very rude and arrogant, took every customer as dummy. He chastised me to have PPPoE on WAN connection type, He said I should never have PPPoE, but I had it from beginning until I experienced this speed problem. It took 5 agents to get speed problem solved. For some reason, the WAN connection type got changed without informing me.
Number 14 : DEC 23rd, 2010 : TrailmanFS (CA)
Recommended: No
I would not recommend this service to anyone. Support will not do anything for you except ether replace your modem or direct you to a for pay technical support site. This service is horrible Do not get AT&T for your internet provider.
Number 13 : JUN 17th, 2010 : Taimur (GA)
Recommended: No
Its been three months now that I am having serious AT&T internet connectivity problems. The connection drops intermitently or at random. I have called AT&T Technical Support atleast 10 times but the issue has not been resolved so far. I want to change the ISP but none other than AT&T is available in my area. Could someone pass on the contact information of person dealing with internet issues at the AT&T Corporate Headquarters. May be I can convey my concern to them for any re-course.
Number 12 : JUN 5th, 2010 : Valerie (TX)
Recommended: No
I was stuck ordering ATT because it is the only provider for my house. It should have been set up the next day, but the technician that came by did not know what he was doing, and said he could not set up our service. Another tech was supposed to come the next day, and didn't. So I waited another week, and spent many more hours with customer service before I even had internet. I had signed up for a $25/mo service during a promotional period. A week later that promotion had ended, and I was told that I could only get the $25/mo service if I added a home phone for an extra $20/mo. None of the reps had any idea about the previous offer that had been made to me. After talking to about 20 different reps in different depts, I was transferred to the Retention department. The lady I talked to there said she would honor that offer. 2 months later, I received my first bill, with a late fee for not paying the bill I should have gotten the previous month. Also my bill was $50/mo, not $25. So I had to go through all those hoops again, talk to all those reps again, get transferred to wrong depts, get hung up on, etc before talking to retention again. The wiped my balance, so i basically got 3 months free, and gave me net for $30/mo, and 6mbps. My net still runs pretty consistently on 0.08 mbps! Not even close to 6! I am paying for DSL that is slower than dial up! And its less reliable too, i get dc'd about every hour, also anytime it rains, is really windy, or snowing it stops working alltogether. If there was another provider in my area I would have cancelled ATT the first week! I would rate them negative stars if I could. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THEIR SERVICE!!!!
Number 11 : APR 21st, 2010 : John Kroeckel (CA)
Recommended: No
I ordered AT&T internet service because I needed internet for college. I was surprised at how long they had to wait to turn it on. Over two weeks! That was fine though, I figured it was just a necessary wait. When it was finally turned on I couldn't get it to stay connected to the internet. I would lose connectivity between 4-6 times every hour and I would look up at the 2Wire modem to see it would be blinking red lights at me for 30 seconds to a minute then reconnect. The speed was never as fast as they told me it would be. I knew from the start that when they said it 'would' be a speed that it just 'could' be but it never 'was' near that speed. After two weeks of trying to deal with the slow (when it would connect) connection I tried to call and cancel my connection. I listed my problems with the ignorant lady on the other end and she was extremely rude and didn't bother to help with my problems. She then said I would have a $150 cancellation fee not to mention the $90 for the first crappy month of 'service'. I said that I wasn't going to pay those bogus fees as I was told by the sales representative, in the Eureka, CA store that if I wasn't satisfied I could cancel within the first month and be totally refunded. The unprofessional lady then said that she couldn't help me but that she would have someone call me back the next Tuesday who could. I wanted to cancel that day but had to wait another week. That person who was supposed to call me back never did. I knew I would still have the taxes and connection fees to pay no matter what but not for the service I never received. I proceeded to call back nearly 15 times wasting hours of my time on hold or being transferred from one region of the country to another never talking to the same person twice. I had to explain my problem so many times. I was finally able to cancel my service with one of the many representatives over the phone but they couldn't speak of a final bill... no, that's a totally different department. Once you get to them they don't give a crap about your problems with their service either. From their point of view since you cancelled their service instead of putting up with the lack there of so they could inspect the line and prove whether there was a problem or not that there never was one and the customer must be lying. All in all, I'm still dealing with this bogus internet company and I have been waiting for my 'final' 'final' final bill for weeks now. Every time I get a bill I call them and they say that there is a new revised bill in the system and I should wait a week and when it comes in call them back. I was able to convince them that since I cancelled before a single month was over that I shouldn't pay the $150 but I'm still being screwed out of the $90. Save your money. oh that was another thing. I had to order a phone line to go with the internet though I didn't need it for anything but. Another 9 bucks a month down the drain. Good Luck with your internet service!
Number 10 : JAN 19th, 2010 : Xanderbug (KY)
Recommended: No
I have moved around and had many internet companies, and AT&T by far has the worst modems, reliability, connection, speed, and customer service. The first problem was when ordering, they asked if I had my own modem, but never bothered to ask what kind. My bad! I wasn't aware that AT&T was DSL and not cable, but customer service should have checked what modem I had. So I called back up wonderring why my internet still wasn't turned on. They kept transferring me to Tech Support who wanted my credit card number to charge me. I wouldn't accept that. I went through a lot of people before someone asked me what kind of modem I was using. About $80 and another week later I was connected, but only for about 3 months. My service cuts out over 20 times in one day, and that's NOT an understatement. Customer Service is not helping. Needless to say, I'm switching to NewWave.
Number 9 : JAN 8th, 2010 : Jrazzkc (MO)
Recommended: Yes
My DSL connection provides an internet Quality Rating of less than 85% using the "whichvoip.com" speed test, over 3/4 of the time. This allows my VoIP phone modem to lose it's connection, unknowingly, leaving me without phone service. I have called ATT tech service over the past 4 months, and they have happily made a number of adjustments to my modem, yet I am still losing my phone service 1-5x's per week. I can disconnect and reconnect my phone modem, and it boots up fine, and works for 1-4 days, but then disconnects again. My VoIP supplier indicates I need an internet Quality rating of at least 85%, to maintain a good phone connection. It has been very frustrating.
Number 8 : SEP 12th, 2009 : Oxa (CT)
Recommended: No
From day 1, everything went wrong, and it was all due to ATT's customer service: 1. When I asked the rep what the minimum requirements for the service were, he refused to tell me, but just simply said that no matter how old my computer was, it would work. WRONG! My old computer was not up to the task and I had to buy a new one. 2. I was hesitant to order at the time and wanted to think it over. Still, the rep pressured me into giving him my name and info so that I could "reserve the price" quoted me. WRONG! A few days later, despite the fact that I had said I DIDN'T WANT TO SIGN UP at the time, I received the new customer package in the mail. 3. I had discussed the $14.95 service with the rep, nothing more. WRONG! When I received my bill, I found that I had been enrolled for the $34.95 service. 4. The rep had told me that I'd receive a rebate form for the cost of the modem. WRONG! It never came. 5. The rep told me that Worldnet dialup service would still be available to me as part of the DSL package. WRONG! Given that my computer couldn't handle DSL, I continued to use Worldnet until I got a new computer. Bad move-- They charged me for BOTH DSL and Worldnet. 6. I was told that I could keep my email address. WRONG! After several hours on the phone with several reps and a supervisor, I was told that the email address I had with ATT Worldnet could not be used with ATT DSL. I also had major problems with setup. At one point in the installation a message appeared saying that I had to contact ATT support. After a 20-minute wait on the phone and an hour with tech support, I was told that I needed Tier 2 support, and was transferred to them. After a 30-minute wait, a recorded message said that there was a 40-minute wait for Tier 2 support. Then I was cut off. When I called back, support refused to move me to the top of the queue, and said I had to start all over again, with another 40-minute wait. All in all over the course of two days, I was on the phone for over 5 hours with ATT, trying to straighten out the various billing and tech issues, half of which are still unresolved.
Number 7 : SEP 1st, 2009 : Hate AT&T (DE)
Recommended: No
yes. tech support that comes over cannot do anything besides saying it's not at&t's problem. But I can try to fix it for you. But you will have to pay 60usd and a chance of it being fixed is only 50/50!!!!
Number 6 : JUN 15th, 2009 : - (MD)
Recommended: -
For the most part the service has been reliable. The real problems begin if you have to call customer support, which is actually a call center in India manned by people who know almost nothing about computers, read from a scripted flowchart and are extremely rude. I wish there was an option for zero or negative stars. Don't bother asking for a supervisor - they are even more hostile and less knowledgeable. Interestingly, these supervisors don't have a last name or a boss (yeah right) and ATT doesn't provide any kind of feedback avenue on the quality of their customer service. I have had ATT for home and cell service for many years and have been happy for the most part with their service and support. Their DSL - not so much..
Disclaimer: The opinions, views and ratings expressed in these reviews are those solely of the reviewer who submitted the review. Whichvoip.com does not necessarily agree with any of the expressed opinions, view or ratings.
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