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WhichVoIP Visitor Comments

Comments From Page: https://www.whichvoip.com/articles/features.htm

#3 : Posted by Eugene Sturm on September 19th, 2020:

How do I set up caller ID?

-> Response: Caller ID Inbound is normally on by default. For outbound you may need to tell your provider what you want it set to.


#2 : Posted by Joe Pierce on November 12th, 2013:

Interested in Basic Talk but have a couple of questions related to features: 1) Do they support call forwarding. 2) Can I fax with them.

-> Response: Unfortunately no you cannot do either, it is a very basic service. So no call forwarding support and no official fax support. There are lower cost providers that are full featured and support both of these items Joe - see our residential home page (use tab at top of page)


#1 : Posted by Jane on April 25th, 2013:

can I transfer my number to voip?

-> Response: Jane you can transfer your landline number to VoIP in probably 90% of cases. There are a couple of corner cases but rare these days. Thanks for your question.



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